Current rate and chart (#LHA) online.
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Start tradingDate | Pays | Importance | Événement | Passé | prévision | Fait |
11:30 12.12.24 | Switzerland | SNB Monetary Policy Assessment SNB Monetary Policy Assessment | ||||
11:30 12.12.24 | Switzerland | SNB Interest Rate Decision (Q4) SNB Interest Rate Decision (Q4) | 1.00% | 0.75% | ||
12:00 12.12.24 | Switzerland | SNB Press Conference SNB Press Conference | ||||
12:00 12.12.24 | USA | IEA Monthly Report IEA Monthly Report | ||||
12:30 12.12.24 | ZAF | PPI (MoM) (Nov) PPI (MoM) (Nov) | -0.7% | |||
12:30 12.12.24 | ZAF | PPI (YoY) (Nov) PPI (YoY) (Nov) | -0.7% |