Current rate and chart (BTCUSD) online.
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Start tradingDate | Pays | Importance | Événement | Passé | prévision | Fait |
23:30 03.10.24 | USA | Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks | 3.142T | |||
23:30 03.10.24 | USA | Fed's Balance Sheet Fed's Balance Sheet | 7,080B | |||
04:30 04.10.24 | Australia | Invest Housing Finance (MoM) (Aug) Invest Housing Finance (MoM) (Aug) | 5.4% | |||
04:30 04.10.24 | Australia | Home Loans (MoM) (Aug) Home Loans (MoM) (Aug) | 2.9% | |||
06:00 04.10.24 | China | China - National Day China - National Day | ||||
08:45 04.10.24 | Switzerland | Unemployment Rate s.a. (Sep) Unemployment Rate s.a. (Sep) | 2.5% | 2.6% |