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Chart of ETHUSD

0.2 ( +218.77%)
Acheter - Sell -
Bid/Ask: - / - Daily range: 3820,6575/3658,3884 52 weeks: Prior day closing price: 3820,6575 Opening price: 3661,3102
instrument Offre Demande Spread Percentage
BATUSD 0,29240 0,29260 0.1 +28.96%
BCHUSD 543,939 544,546 0.2 +385.38%
BNBUSD 712,398 712,412 0.1 +137.33%
BTCUSD 100767,641 100770,063 0.8 +511.04%
DSHUSD 48,204 48,234 0.1 +21.79%
EOSUSD 1,0910 1,0920 0.1 +17.58%
ETCUSD 33,673 33,689 0.1 +69.08%
ETHUSD 3818,155 3818,735 0.2 +218.77%
IOTUSD 0,4028 0,4031 0.1 +92.36%
LTCUSD 117,90684 118,05684 0.1 +59.33%
NEOUSD 18,61 18,63 0.1 +172.47%
OMGUSD 0,491 0,493 0.1 -57.45%
TRXUSD 0,28287 0,28345 0.1 +435.84%
XLMUSD 0,43100 0,43122 0.1 +387.89%
XMRUSD 204,420 204,430 0.1 +50.12%
XRPUSD 2,37060 2,37070 0.1 +482.17%
ZECUSD 64,156 64,220 0.1 +56.49%
BCHNZD 936,353 938,960 0.8 +419.41%

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Calendrier économique

Date Pays Importance Événement Passé prévision Fait
11:30 12.12.24     Switzerland SNB Monetary Policy Assessment SNB Monetary Policy Assessment
11:30 12.12.24     Switzerland SNB Interest Rate Decision (Q4) SNB Interest Rate Decision (Q4) 1.00% 0.75%
12:00 12.12.24     Switzerland SNB Press Conference SNB Press Conference
12:00 12.12.24     USA IEA Monthly Report IEA Monthly Report
12:30 12.12.24     ZAF PPI (MoM) (Nov) PPI (MoM) (Nov) -0.7%
12:30 12.12.24     ZAF PPI (YoY) (Nov) PPI (YoY) (Nov) -0.7%
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